Jason D. Lee
About MeI am an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (secondary) at Princeton University. Previously, I was a research scientist at Google Deepmind, member of the IAS, and an assistant professor at USC for three years. Before that, I was a postdoc in the Computer Science Department at UC Berkeley working with Michael I. Jordan. I received my PhD in Applied Math advised by Trevor Hastie and Jonathan Taylor. I received a BS in Mathematics from Duke University advised by Mauro Maggioni.
I am a native of Cupertino, CA. My research interests are broadly in Students, Visitors, and Postdocs
Any email from prospective students, postdoc, or visitors, please include the string “filter_student” in the subject, else I will not receive your email. I advise students in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Math, ORFE, and PACM. I am recruiting PhD students and postdoctoral scholars starting in 2023 at Princeton University, please email me a CV apply. Princeton PhD students interested in machine learning, statistics, or optimization research, please contact me. My current focus is on machine learning with a focus on foundations of AI, deep learning, representation learning, and deep reinforcement learning. I have lectured on the Foudations of Deep Learning at MIT Video and Slides; my tutorial at the Simons Institute: Slides and Video; and my tutorial at Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS 2021): Video and Slides. I have also given tutorials on Representation Learning at the Johns Hopkins Winter School and Beijing AI Institute; Slides and Video. I am also happy to host visitors. Summer visitors please contact me around February to schedule your visit. See a list of past visitors at here. Awards
Selected Publications